India Meteorological Department (IMD) is organizing a Stakeholder Consultation Workshop on National Framework for Climate Services in India (NFCS-India) at Lavasa, Pune during 5-6 October 2023. This workshop proposes to bring together the existing and potential partners of IMD spanning the five pillars of the GFCS, viz., (i) observations and monitoring, (ii) research, modelling and prediction, (iii) climate services information system, (iv) user interface platform and (v) capacity development.
YouTube Links of the workshop: Day 1 (5-Oct) | Day 2 (6-Oct)

Click here to download the group photo (High Resolution)

The main objectives of this consultation workshop are:
- To provide a brief background and progress on the development of the concept of NFCS to consolidate the efforts of various agencies involved in the climate services in India;
- To seek inputs from all relevant stakeholders and their participation to collectively work towards the development of a well-defined NFCS in India to better support decision making in climate-sensitive sectors;
- To assess the baseline capacities at the national level in both providers and users of climate services, across all the five GFCS pillars and its priority areas;
- To prepare a comprehensive mapping of the existing capacities, draw up a list of key stakeholders and outline their potential contributions to the NFCS;
- To identify the needs and priorities as well as current and projected capabilities for developing climate information and products tailored to the decision-making for different users in the country;
- To bring the core agencies together to consider developing a joint action plan to begin the establishment of NFCS-India.
Participants of the workshop:
- Representatives from World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
- Senior officials from various ministries, Government of India
- Subject Matter Experts in various aspects of Climate Services
- Concerned representatives from State Governments and Union Territories
- NGOs/Professional Societies