B.Sc. (with Physics or Math's as main subject) and successfully completion of BIP- MT course
Period and Location:
6 months (2 Months distant learning + 4 months classroom teaching) at Pune Centre and New Delhi centres
Target audience:
Group-B level gazetted officers (all Meteorologist-A & B), for their next promotion to Group-A level.
Learning objectives /Expected skills to be developed:
Mode of Evaluation of Performance:
The examination for this course is held two times. One is at the mid of the course (Mid Term Examination) and the other is at the end of the course (Final Examination). There are four compulsory papers based on theoretical study n each examination, viz. Dynamic Meteorology & Numerical weather Prediction, Physical Meteorology, Synoptic Meteorology & Aviation Meteorology and Climate Science & Hydro-Meteorology along with one elective subject paper (Physical Oceanography & Ocean Atmosphere interaction / Satellite Meteorology and Radar Meteorology / Statistics and Computer programming & application) based on theoretical study in each examination.
During the Final examination, two practical papers examination and viva voce examination are being held in addition to the above five theory papers. Trainees select a research topic under the guidance of a member of faculty and submit project report, which will be evaluated and marks awarded. The performance of the participants during their attachment to Weather Section (WS) and Indian Ocean and Southern Hemispheric Analysis Centre (INOSHAC), Northern Hemispheric Analysis Centre (NHAC), Satellite Meteorology Division, Area Cyclone Warning Centre (ACWC) and Meteorological Watch Offices (MWOs) at international airports is also evaluated. The participant who fails to obtain a minimum mark in the examination has to reappear for the respective examination after six months. Certificates are issued to successful candidates.
This course fulfils the WMO BIP-M requirements for competency.
Click here for the Subjects taught & complete syllabus