Integrated Met Training Course
Graduation in Science
Period and Location:
4 months, at Pune, New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai.
Target audience:
Fresh recruited scientific assistants of IMD (Group-B non-gazetted staffs of IMD, recruited directly through SSC)
for their next promotion to Group-B gazetted officer (Met-A/B); and Meteorological technicians from other Govt. of India organizations (Indian Army, SASE, etc.)
and NMHS of the neighboring countries in Afro-Asian-pacific region.
Learning objectives /Expected skills to be developed:
- Acquire basic knowledge on methods of meteorological observations and data analysis
- Taking, reporting & plotting of meteorological observation
- Acquire basic knowledge concerning physical principles and atmospheric interactions, a basic description of weather systems,
and a basic description of the general circulation of the atmosphere and climate variations;
- Application of basic knowledge to observe and monitor the atmosphere and interpret commonly used meteorological diagrams and products
- Meteorological data communication, quality checks, archival and retrieval.
- Operation, upkeep and preliminary maintenance of observation and information systems including development & maintenance of websites.
- Assistance in the design, maintenance and calibration of Met instruments and communication network,
- Assist in preparation of Agrimet bulletins and etc.
- Assisting in preparation of weather and Climate analysis/report & advisories/bulletins for sectoral applications (agriculture, aviation, shipping, fishing, hydrology, power, health etc.),
emergency services and industry.
- Assist in scientific analysis & research work.
- Development of competencies to work efficiently as Aeronautical Meteorological observer.
- The acquisition of basic knowledge concerning physical principles and atmospheric interactions, methods of measurement and data analysis, a basic description of weather systems,
and a basic description of the general circulation of the atmosphere and climate variations;
- The application of basic knowledge to observe and monitor the atmosphere and interpret commonly used meteorological diagrams and products;
Mode of Evaluation of Performance:
Final Examination is held once at the end of the course. At the time of the examination, candidates are interviewed by a board of officers and marks are allotted for this viva voce examination also.
The marks obtained in the examination and for class work are counted towards the final result and evaluation. The participant who fails to obtain a minimum mark in the examination has to reappear for the respective examination after four months.
Certificates are issued to successful candidates.
This course fulfils the WMO BIP-MT requirements for competency.
Click here for the Subjects taught & complete syllabus