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भारत मौसम विज्ञान विभाग   |
पृथ्वी विज्ञान मंत्रालय  |
भारत सरकार  |
  India Meteorological Department
  Ministry of Earth Sciences
  Government of India

Calendar of Commencement of Courses

Integrated Met. Training Course

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
4 I. 1st working day of 2nd week of January in each year. II. 1st working day of 3rd week of May in each year. III. 1st working day of 3rd week of Sept in each year. For overseas participants at least 10 working weeks, for national non-departmental participants at least 4 working weeks and for departmental participants at least 2 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Forecaster Training Course & ATICIS

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
6 I. 1st working day of 2nd week of March in each year. II. 1st working day of 2nd week of September in each year. For overseas participants at least 10 working weeks, for national non-departmental participants at least 4 working weeks and for departmental participants at least 2 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Advance Meteorological Training Course

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
12 1st working day of 2nd week of September in each year. For overseas participants at least 10 working weeks and for national non-departmental participants at least 4 working weeks before the date of commencement.

Ab-initio Group-A officers training Course (Ab-initio Trainee Met-II/ Scientist-B course).

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
12 I. 1st working day of 2nd week of April in each year. II. 1st working day of 2nd week of July in each year. III. 1st working day of 2ndweek of October in each year. At least 2 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Orientation training

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
3 I. 1st working day of 2nd week of April in each year. II. 1st working day of 2nd week of July in each year. III. 1st working day of 2nd week of October in each year. At least 2 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Short Term Customized

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
5 per with 1-2 weeks duration Jan, March, May, Oct, Dec. At least 1 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Foreign Trainee's Course in Agricultural Meteorology

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
6 Months 1st January & 1st July (as & when informed by HQ, New Delhi). Short term courses are also organized as per the demand from the countries. For overseas participants at least 10 working weeks and for national non-departmental participants at least 4 working weeks before the date of commencement.

Summer Placement Course

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
4 weeks 1st week of June to last week of June. At least 2 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

AMFU Training Course for Technical Officers/ Nodal Officers of AMFUs

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
3 weeks As and when required At least 2 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Short Term Training Course for SMS (Subject matter specialist) of DAMUs, KVK

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
1 week As and when required At least 1 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Development of CRM tools for risk management in Agriculture

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
1 week As and when required At least 1 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Development of CRM tools for risk management in Agriculture

Duration in months Date of commencement Last date of acceptance of nomination
1 week As and when required At least 1 working weeks before the date of commencement of each batch of the training.

Contact Us

Dr. Geeta Agnihotri, Scientist 'F'
Head, Meteorological Training Institute,
India Meteorological Department,
IMD Colony, Dr. Homi Bhaba Road, Pashan, Pune-411 008
Tel. No. : 91 - 20 - 2586 5660 (EPABX)
Fax. No. : 91 - 20 - 2586 5530   E-mail : mtipune@imd.gov.in

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