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  India Meteorological Department
  Ministry of Earth Sciences
  Government of India

Head, Climate Research and Services

Shri K. S. Hosalikar, Scientist 'G'


Present Affiliation Head CR&S and Head Surface Instruments Division, IMD, Government of India
Date of Birth 01.01.1965
Education Qualifications M.Sc. Electronics from Mumbai University, Diploma in Industrial Electronic from Maharashtra Technical Board
Phone 020-25535877, 25535211, 25535435
Mobile No. 9167331299
E mail
Twitter Handle @Hosalikar_KS
Posts Held Currently working as Head - Climate Research &Services, IMD Pune and Head - Surface Instrument Division, IMD Pune
Vice Chair - Working Group Infrastructure WMO RA II
Former Deputy Director General of Meteorology (Head, Regional Meteorological Centre, Mumbai (Western Region)
Scientific Membership Life member of South Asian Meteorological Association (SAMA) and India Meteorological Society (IMS)
Research Papers Published Scientific Research Papers and Technical reports on Aviation Meteorology,Weather Radar,Polar Science,Extreme Weather,Monsoon,Observational Networks, Sectorial Weather Applications,Seismology in both National and International Journals.
Books Published Contributed chapter titled, “Report on Meteorological andClimatological studies at Maitri,Antarctica” in the book of Scientific Report on 14th Indian Expedition to Antarctica by Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi. (NCPOR Goa now)
Contributed chapter titled, “Predictions of disease spikes induced by climate variability; A Pilot realtime forecasting model project from Maharashtra,India” in the book published by Springer Journalin 2021 (International Journal of Biometeorology)
Other Scientific Activities Participated in 14th Scientific Expedition to Antarctica as a leader of IMD team. (Winter Team) Worked on various Scientific and Technical Committees with IMD,MoES, State Government and other academic institutes for various projects like; Upgradation of entire Aviation Meteorological Systems, Radar Networks, Severe Floods and other instrumentation related fields.
Significant Contributions Establishment of ‘Safer Mumbai- Air Quality Monitoring System in Mumbai’ jointly with IITM Pune.
Establishment of “Meso Scale -Location Specific Weather Monitoring System in Mumbai” jointly with Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai(MCGM) and Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology(IITM) Pune.
Development and Establishment of “Integrated Flood Warning System for Mumbai” (IFLOWS Mumbai) jointly with Government of Maharashtra,Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai(MCGM), IITM Pune, National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) and National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR) Chennai.
Currently working on “Development and Establishment of Thunderstorm Test Bed around Odisha”, A joint project of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Defense Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) and Ministry of Earth and Science (MOES). Leading the project from MOES.

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Contact Us
Head, Climate Research & Services,
India Meteorological Department,
Shivajinagar, Pune-411 005
TELEPHONE : 020-25535877
FAX : 091- 020- 25535435
@ClimateImd @Hosalikar_KS
@ClimateImd @Hosalikar_KS

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